The SPDP membership
Drive by shouting is requesting
Your generous contributions
To begin staff planning meetings
For the next Fall Semester.

For seven dollars and fourteen cents
You will receive the Joe Friday
Only the Facts Badge
To signify membership support.
You can, for the same low price
Begin your one year subscription
To the Journal of	
The         Society           for
The         Prevention      of

Seven hundred fourteen dollars
And no sense qualifies donors
For a Many Lifetimes Membership.

Please make out all Prevention checks
To SPDP.  Literature,
As well as a proposed copy
Of the Tabula Rasa Cheapskin
(Signifying graduation
From the Electoral College),
Is available

Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen,
For your support
Of this revolutionary 
NonPoetry project.

Tabula Rasa.  Om.  Amen.