About The Author

Puget Sound 1950
Poetry has been the underlying essence of my life for over fifty years. While in the U. S. Army, from 1969 to 1971, writing became an outlet and personal exploration following the discovery that military life was antithetical to most everything I had been taught in my upbringing.
In early 1972, a collection of short pieces entitled “10 to 17 February Afternoons” was written. Sunrise Tortoise was founded in 1977 and that collection of pieces was published, along with many early poems, in the book 10 to 17 February Afternoons. Thirty five years and six books later, sunrisetortoise.com became a reality in 2012.
Throughout my adult life I have “worked not to work” in order to have extended periods of time to be creative. Whenever financial conditions demanded a return to the work-a-day world, it was my good fortune to find sufficient and interesting employment.
The first 28 years of my life were spent in the Puget Sound region of western Washington. In September 1976 an oath was made that if the State of Washington voted for nuclear power and/or Dixie Lee Ray was elected Governor, it would be time to leave. When both of these events did occur, an old Dodge van was purchased, a newer engine installed, and heading east I landed in Sandpoint, Idaho two weeks after the election. North Idaho has become Home.
Since 1986, my wife Karen and I have overlooked Lake Pend d’Oreille from our home in the City of Hope. For over ten years it was my privilege to serve the city as a councilman and mayor.
My two sons, Aaron and Orion, are around 40 years of age. By adding their children Ryley and Brooke to the family, Aaron and his wife Danette have allowed me to be “Grandpa.” Aaron is following his maternal grandfather’s success in the heating and plumbing business, and Orion has been lending me his formatting expertise while he begins his Architectural career.
The sincere feeling that I am merely the one behind the pencil, whenever a biographical sketch has been requested, the poem “Self Portrait” has been sent. Although written tongue-in-cheek it found its way into Metamorphosis in 1989.
As the dedication in The Collected Poetry 1969-2012 states, I am forever grateful. . .
. .
For The Many Mentors
Teachers and Friends
Who have been so Kind
To Grace my Life
May 2020